We appreciate your interest in our organization. Use our official website for details about our members, their contact information, how to join the Illuminati, our beliefs, our message archives, and more


The Illuminati’s purpose is the preservation of the human species. Therefore, human sacrifices or any practice that does not serve the betterment of mankind would counter everything we represent and are thus prohibited in all circumstances.

While many have attributed such actions to our members, these connections are based only on rumors.


NEw members
successful meetings
successful initiation
99. %
Success Rate


Dear Influential Individual, We are delighted that your life’s journey has led you to discover our organization. Maybe you have met one of our members in the flesh. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal Circle. We are the Illuminati.

The Illuminati is a collective of prominent figures throughout the world who have united to guard the human species from extinction. Our members bear the burden of a planet’s leadership with the lives of 7 billion in their hands. As the human continues to rise above its other animal counterparts, governing of the planet has turned into a daunting task.

Once a member, the requirements are unimposing and often spaced between many years. Our requests are simple and therefore may be hard to comprehend, but disloyalty is not tolerated. You must understand this before applying. Members must fulfill their oaths to the Illuminati under every circumstance and recognize that they are merely one part of a much larger Universal Design.

For centuries, our organisation has separated individuals of outstanding political, financial, or cultural influence from the flock and established them as shepherds of the human species. Perhaps you have already proven yourself in these fields. For that, the Illuminati officially congratulates you. Your dedication gives hope for the future of the human species.



Since our origination, Illuminati members have dedicated themselves to the advancement of the human species by taking oaths of commitment. These pledges are a core tradition of the Illuminati, formed as written contracts between a single person and all members of humanity. The first pledge of the Illuminati is called the Eternal Oath.

The Illuminati’s purpose is to secure the ongoing survival of the human species.


Like all organisms, the human species naturally strives against extinction. Though your countries have borders and your languages have barriers, all people in all places are members of the same biological family. All humans are pieces of a collective that keeps humanity in existence.

Though you are merely a speck on the back of a grain of sand when compared to the vast number of humans born and decomposed for millennia, you are as important to your species’ survival as the greatest kings and queens.


But by nature, human is affected by instinct, emotion, and imbalance.


A human will turn on one of its own species for reasons that will never matter in a thousand years, and likely not matter in even a hundred or ten. While you have seen the light in the distance and chosen to follow it — even if from mere curiosity — there are millions more whose backs are turned against its glow.

The Illuminati operates various departments and programs for the benefit of all people, in all places, from all generations. By protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet.


Becoming an Illuminati means joining other illuminati members from virtually every city globally, quietly making a difference in the lives of others. Like-minded men who genuinely care about each other, will last a lifetime…….

  • Be a at least 18 years old
  • Be able to read and write
  • Be prepared to profess a belief in Deity
  • Be of good reputation as a man or woman of honor and integrity……

The experience of becoming a member of a Illuminati is divided into three ceremonial stages that Illuminatis call “degrees.” These three degrees are loosely based upon the journeyman system………….

It is my honor to serve you, the Brethren of this Great Society, and I thank you for the confidence you have reposed in me by electing me to be your Grand Master…….

Join the illuminati

Join Illuminati Online. The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.


Abundance Rewards in the illumnati


If your a Pastor, We give you a Magic Ring, Magic Book and Holy water for performing super natural miracles on people that always come to your church hence having a full congregation of people in your church.


We give Magic Necklaces to muscians or any performing artists so that they get all the fame and attention they do seek from there fans.


Magic Picture Flames are given to political leaders like Presidents, Governors, MPs and Ministers and are given directives on how to use them. They enable them to win elections and seats in their respective positions.

It is no coincidence that all world leaders possess vast networks of wealth.

There are no poor kings or queens or presidents. Even pontiffs are richer than most on this planet. The absence of a need for money removes many of its threats: someone with wealth is costlier to bribe than someone without, and this financial clarity is needed to effectively manage your planet.

Money means nothing to those who print it. 


The Illuminati’s financial foundation is built upon liquid assets and various holdings across the planet, with income derived from multiple other sources. The societal replacement of physical currency with numerical-based finances — digital banking where the money is viewed as a number instead of paper or stones — has made unlimited funding available with merely a keyboard. A number of our operations carry no costs due to our unique relationship with agencies and influential business executives, further reducing our need for financial resources.

Where true effort is made, true wealth is given.

A person who is unwise with a little will do worse with a lot. Those who are entrusted with little and use it for good can be entrusted with more. Our organization assists every willing member with the tools required for success and offers assistance to those who display their dedication to the betterment of humanity.

What Our members Say

When a man becomes one with the light, his philosophy of life changes completely. Enlightenment has changed my life in particular. I am proud to be a part of this.
Ahmed Khalid Bashiru
Business Man
By the enlightenment of the Illuminati I got empowered and today I am one of the strongest women you can think of if you seek a new beginning join us, and follow the light.
Maria Cortex
Civil Rights Lawyer
I always feared the Illuminati for what I thought it was but as I sort out to know more I found it an important organization, one that is changing the world for the best.
Arnold Silver
Content Creator
All hail the Illuminati, following the light is the best decision I made for my life and my soul. It took my career and business to the top. I have what others only dream of
William Gibbs
Since I joined the Illuminati my understanding of life as a whole has changed. I feel like a completely different person now. From being lost and lonely I have found not just a community but a family that looks out for me.
J.J Wallace
Media Personality
By the enlightenment of the Illuminati i got empowered and today I am one of the strongest women you can think of, if you seek a new beginning join us, follow the light.
Tessa Lovejoy
Fashion Designer

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